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resident evil village x reader

It’s been a long time since the Resident Evil franchise first made its way to gaming platforms, and with the upcoming release of Resident Evil Village, fans are more eager than ever to get their hands on the game.

For those of us who enjoy interactive reading experiences, there’s even better news – we can now explore the world of Resident Evil Village through original x reader stories! In this blog post, we’ll look at how to find and read these stories, as well as what makes them so compelling.

So if you’re looking for a thrilling ride into survival horror fiction, read on and get ready to be scared!

resident evil village x reader

resident evil village x reader

yandere resident evil village x reader

If you’re a fan of the Resident Evil franchise, then you’re probably familiar with the term “yandere.” A yandere is someone who is madly in love with someone else to the point of obsession, and will do anything to make them happy – even if it means hurting or killing other people.

The newest installment in the Resident Evil franchise, Village, features a yandere character named Mia Winters. Mia is a 21-year-old college student who comes to the village of Beacon Pointe to visit her boyfriend, Ethan Winters. However, Mia is not what she seems – she’s actually a sociopathic killer who has been stalking and murdering people for years.

yandere resident evil village x reader

yandere resident evil village x reader

When Ethan arrives in Beacon Pointe, he quickly realizes that something is wrong with Mia. She’s overly possessive and always wants to be near him, even going so far as to hide in his room and watch him sleep. Ethan soon discovers that Mia is responsible for the deaths of several people in Beacon Pointe – including his own parents.

Ethan must now try to escape from Mia and the village before she can kill him too. But with Mia always close behind, it won’t be easy…



resident evil village fanfic

If you’re a fan of the Resident Evil franchise, then you’re sure to love this collection of fan fiction stories based on the latest game in the series, Village. From heart-pounding tales of survival against impossible odds to touching romances set in the aftermath of the disaster, there’s something for everyone in this selection of stories.

So whether you’re looking for a thrilling read or a tender romance, be sure to check out these Resident Evil Village fan fiction stories!

resident evil village fanfic

resident evil village fanfic


fanfic resident evil

There are a lot of different fanfiction stories out there for the Resident Evil series. Some of them are good, and some of them are not so good. But what if you want to read a really good one?

One fanfic that I would recommend is called “Resident Evil: Village of the Damned”. It’s a story about a group of survivors who end up in a small village that is being overrun by zombies. They have to band together and use all of their skills to survive.


This story is really well written and it’s full of suspense. It’s also got some great characters that you will grow to love (or hate). I highly recommend it if you’re looking for a good Resident Evil fanfic to read.

fanfic resident evil

fanfic resident evil

resident evil fanfiction

If you’re a fan of the Resident Evil franchise, then you’re probably already familiar with the fanfiction genre. For those who are new to fanfiction, it’s basically fiction that is written by fans of a particular series or franchise.

There are tons of great Resident Evil fanfictions out there, so it can be tough to decide which ones to read. To help narrow things down, here are five of the best Resident Evil fanfictions currently available:

resident evil fanfiction

resident evil fanfiction

1. “Resident Evil: Afterlife” by Darkside_Takari

This story picks up after the events of the fourth game in the series, and follows Leon Kennedy as he tries to survive in a world that has been overrun by zombies. Takari does an excellent job of capturing the feel of the games, and this story is sure to please any Resident Evil fan.

2. “Resident Evil: Apocalypse” by ZeroKiryu

This story focuses on Chris Redfield as he attempts to escape Raccoon City during the outbreak of the T-Virus. ZeroKiryu does an amazing job at making this story feel like an actual Resident Evil game, and fans of the franchise will no doubt enjoy it.


3. “Resident Evil: Code Veronica” by blue_phoenix1717

This story takes place during the events of Code Veronica, and follows Claire Redfield as she tries to survive on Rockfort Island.

resident evil

resident evil

You’re a resident of the village

If you’re a resident of the village, you know that there’s something sinister lurking in the shadows. You can feel it in the air; an uneasiness that settles in the pit of your stomach. The hair on the back of your neck stands up when you walk past certain houses, and you can’t help but feel like someone is watching you.

There have been strange things happening in the village lately. Animals have been disappearing, and there have been reports of people seeing strange lights in the woods. No one knows what to make of it, but everyone is on edge.

You try to tell yourself that it’s nothing, that there’s nothing to be afraid of. But at night, when you’re alone in your bed, the fear creeps in and takes hold. You can’t help but wonder what’s out there, waiting to get you.

You’ve been living there for years

You’ve been living in the village for years, and you know all its secrets. You’re also one of the few people who knows about the castle that looms over the village. Everyone else thinks it’s abandoned, but you know better. You’ve seen the lights in the windows and heard the strange noises emanating from it.


One night, you decided to investigate. After climbing the fence surrounding the castle, you made your way to the front door. Just as you were about to knock, the door opened and a woman with bright red hair emerged. She introduced herself as Lady Dimitrescu and invited you inside.

The castle was like nothing you’d ever seen before. It was opulent and lavish, with fine furnishings and tapestries adorning the walls. Lady Dimitrescu showed you around, and you soon realized that this was no ordinary castle. It was a place of dark magic and hidden secrets.

You've been living there for years

You’ve been living there for years

AsLady Dimitrescu continued to show you around, she told you about her plans for the village. She wants to take over it and make it her own personal kingdom. She also told you about her three daughters, who each have their own powers that they can use to help Lady Dimitrescu achieve her goals.

By the time Lady Dimitrescu was finished showing you around, it was clear that she intended to make you one of her followers. You had no intention of joining her or helping her

You’re one of the few people who knows about the creatures that live in the village

You’re one of the lucky few people who knows about the creatures that call the village home. These creatures are a mix of animals and plants, and they’re said to be very friendly. The villagers have been living with them for generations, and they consider them to be part of the family.

You’ll often see them playing together in the streets or snuggling up to each other in bed. They’re not afraid of humans, and they’ll even let you pet them. If you’re ever feeling down, spending time with these creatures is sure to cheer you up.

You're one of the few people who knows about the creatures that live in the village

You’re one of the few people who knows about the creatures that live in the village

You have to protect the village from the creatures

The first thing you need to do is gather all of the villagers into the center of the village. You will then need to build a fence around the perimeter of the village using whatever materials you have available. Once the fence is complete, you will need to station guards at strategic points around the village to keep watch for any creatures that may try to enter. Finally, you will need to set up a defense system to protect the village from any attacks that may come.

You have to protect the village from the creatures

You have to protect the village from the creatures

You’re the only one who can stop them

You’re the only one who can stop them.

That’s right, YOU are the only one who can put a stop to the Resident Evil Village madness. Only you have the power to save the day, so get out there and do what you do best!


Resident Evil Village has been an incredible experience for everyone who has played it. With its intense and thrilling action, stunning visuals, and compelling story, it takes the series to a whole new level. For anyone looking for something to really sink their teeth into, this game is definitely one that should be at the top of your list! Whether you are playing on console or PC, alone or with friends in co-op mode – Resident Evil Village will give you an unforgettable experience every time!

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